
Minecraft client app: Can connect with 1.19.2 or 1.18.2
Server: Minecraft 1.18.2
world – survival
end – survival
nether – survival
acbr – Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Range

NEW – Live map you can navigate to on computer or phone to see the map. Shows beds, spawn, players, and other stuff that is still being configured.

Butter Maps

You can smelt rotten flesh and have 20% chance of getting leather.

Night skips as soon as one player is in bed.
Armored elytra: you can make armored elytra by putting an elytra and any type of chest plate armor in an anvil. It will have the same amount of armor as the type of armor it was combined with and supports enchantments.

Discord if you want — see chat feed, whos playing, send messages to minecraft from discord:
discord linking – if desired, you can link your minecraft player and discord user.
To join: use /discord in-game to get invite link
To link your Minecraft player and Discord user /discord link (so you can type in the Discord->Minecraft channel #beancraft)
-To see who is online in Minecraft from Discord type ‘whoson’ in the #beancraft channel (must be linked) and butterbot will show who’s online.
-In Minecraft, messages that start with ‘[D]‘ came from discord.

Hats: /heads to choose, /head to wear whatever you’re holding as a hat.

set a warp /setwarp
ask to teleport to someone /tpa <username>, ask to teleport someone to you /tpahere <username>, cancel teleport request /tpacancel.
Accept an incoming teleport request /tpayes, deny an incoming teleport request /tpano
Block someone from sending you teleport requests /tpblock <username>, unblock /tpunblock
Go to your bed /home

/mail send <username> [message]
/mail read

Colors below. whisper to a player /msg

Color codes

crafting- 8 gold bars and dye

Coming soon-ish:
Forge 1.18.2